a Sustainable
Nowadays, when global warming is a concern all over the world, what can we, who are living in this moment, really do ?
As global warming progresses, greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increase, and due to the increase of carbon dioxide in the air, it is to cause various influence such as temperature rise and sea level rise on a global basis, abnormal weather, and the spread of diseases in tropical regions. It has various effects on the earth and the people living there.
The electricity we are using every day is mostly produced by way of combustion of fossil fuel such as coal or natural gas discharging carbon dioxide.
Therefore, the effort to convert the current energy source into renewable energy and to reduce the discharge of carbon dioxide is strongly desired.
Under these circumstances, offshore wind power generation is having a lot of attention as one of the best solutions for expanding the introduction of the renewable energy. The Japanese government has also set a target of introducing offshore wind power generation capacity of 30,000-45,000MW in 2040, and the related government agencies are steadily accelerating project formation in general sea areas. In addition to a bottom-mounted type currently used in most cases, it seems that the technological innovations will likely lead to the full-scale introduction of a floating type in future.
The offshore wind power project at Akita Port and Noshiro Port is the first large-scale offshore wind power project in Japan established on a commercial basis and the full-scale commercial operation started in January 2023. The expected generation amount from the installed capacity of 140MW is equivalent to the electricity demand for approximately 130,000 ordinary households.
Our company aims at connecting this first challenge in Japan to the expansion of offshore wind power generation on a national basis through co-existence and co-prosperity in close cooperation with a variety of local stakeholders in Akita. We believe that the accumulation of each of these efforts will lead to the realization of a sustainable society in the future.
Let’s have a challenge to realize a sustainable society together !
Soichi Inoue
President and CEO
Akita Offshore Wind Corporation
Entered Marubeni Corporation in 1990. Have consistently engaged in various infrastructure & project business including the new project development,
M&A activity and company management in domestic and overseas market.
Have engaged as the chairman of the offshore wind installation company in UK which Marubeni became the shareholder from 2014 until 2018.
Have taken position of the president of Marubeni Vietnam Company Limited, and the current position since April 2024.